Main settings section to customize your map with live examples
Main map setting
Main settings
Every map downloaded from this site has a real intuitive settings’ page within your WordPress dashboard. You get three tabs and three sections:
- Main settings
- Subdivisions
- Markers
In the Main settings section you will be able to customize: zoom buttons, map width, map padding, canvas color ( map background ), map color, borders color and thickness , subdivisions’ hover over and selected status color, color opacity for subdivisions selected status, get rid of subdivisions name, open all links into a new tab and map preview functionality.
Discover how you can use these settings to customize your map.
Zoom buttons

Zoom buttons: Navigate to map “Main settings” tab and check “zoom buttons” to enable or disable zoom buttons over the map.
Default value: unchecked.
Enabling zoom button will display a “+” and “-” buttons to zoom in and out the map. Disabled by default.
Zoom disabled
Zoom enabled
Purchase map of Tuscany or check all our maps.
Map width

Where to find Map width: Navigate to map “Main settings” tab and fill Map width field if you need a specific fixed or percentage width: em, pixels, percentage and rem values accepted.
Default value: empty ( map is responsive and will adapt to its container )
Our maps are responsive by default, but there could be the case you would like to set a specific fixed or percentage width. It accepts “em” ( relative to the font-size of the element ), “px” (pixels), “%” percentage or “rem” ( relative to the font-size of the root ) values.
Map padding

Where to find Map padding: Navigate to map “main settings” tab and set a padding: em, pixels, percentage and rem values accepted.
Default value: 0
Padding defines distance between canvas rectangle limits and map boundaries. It accepts “em” ( relative to the font-size of the element ), “px” (pixels), “%” percentage or “rem” ( relative to the font-size of the root ) values.
No padding
30px padding
Purchase map of Lombardy or check all our maps
Canvas color

Where to find Canvas color: Navigate to map “Main settings” tab and use the canvas color field to assign a color to map background. Transparent color possible ticking the “Transparent” checkbox.
Default value: light blue
Canvas is basically the map container, it’s boundaries as element in the page. You can choose from infinite colors or just set as transparent.
Map color

Where to find Map color: Navigate to map “Main settings” tab and select a color using the color picker button.
Default value: white
Map color defines color of the map itself as a whole. You can customize each subdivision then can be customized in “Subdivisions” section we’ll cover later.
Borders color and thickness

Where to find Border thickness and color: Navigate to map “Main settings” tab and use the color picker and the field to set border color and border thickness.
Color default value: white – thickness value: 1px
Maps are generally divided into multiple areas. Each subdivision is separated by borders that can be customized in color and thickness ( accepted values: “em” ( relative to the font-size of the element ), “px” (pixels), “%” percentage or “rem” ).
Subdivisions “selected” status

Where to find Selected status for Subdivisions : Navigate to map “Main settings” tab and search for “Subdivisions Selected Status”.
Default value: white
Enable or disable color for selected status for all subdivisions and choose your color using the color picker button.
Subdivisions “hover over” status

Where to find Subdivisions hover over color: Navigate to map “Main settings” tab and search for “Subdivisions Hover Status”. Choose your color using the color picker button.
Default value: dark blue
Choose weather assign a different color when mouse is over subdivisions and/or once has been clicked. You can activate the hover over color for each subdivision (bulk action possible) in “Subdivisions” section.
Purchase map of Abruzzo or check all our maps
Opacity for Subdivision’s “selected” status

Where to find Subdivisions Hover over status opacity: Navigate to map “Main settings” tab and search for Subdivisions Hover Status. Use the field to set opacity. Accepted values range : 0 to 1. = stands for completely transparent.
Default value: 1
It accepts a range of values between 0 and 1 ( 0 stands for transparent while 1 for solid color ).
Change opacity for your subdivisions once have been clicked to reach a stylish effect.
Get rid of subdivisions name

Where to find the Get rid subdivisions name: Navigate to map “Main settings” tab and search for “Subdivisions Hover Status”. Enable or disable the feature ticking the checkbox.
Default value: unchecked
There can be the case you would like to not display subdivision’s name when hovering over a subdivision: this simple checkbox let you achieve this task. You can even use this functionality to assign custom name (or translations in other languages) to each area.
No name displayed when hovering over.
Purchase map of United States of America or check all our maps
Open all links into a new tab

Where to find Links target: Navigate to map “Main settings” tab, search for “General Link Settings” and enable or disable the checkbox.
Default value: unchecked
Enable this functionality if you want all your links to open into a new tab. By default they will all open in the same page.
Preview functionality

Where to find Map preview button: Navigate to map “Main settings” tab and search for ” Map Preview” button.
Check area behaviors and markers on the map and how your map will look like before publishing it!