If you live in Europe is quite possible that you have noticed something strange in the street. It happened to me also, walking in Giulio Cesare street, in Prati , a borrough of Rome.

Then I started noticing them in other parts of Rome.

I was quite astonished seeing brass stumbling stones in front of some buildings. When I got closed to them I noticed names, surnames and dates were on it: I soon understood were a sort of memorial plaques for some people died and that lived there.

But seemed common people so I was curious.

Reading a book about my quarter’s history, a mention to these plaque popped out like a revelation: more then 71.000 brass stumbling stones in 21 countries of Europe!

Gunter Demnig

Gunter Demnig

This is the project of the German artist Gunter Demnig!

Called “Stolpersteine” in Deutsch, these are part of Gunter Demnig’s project: place brass stones like memorials to the victims of Nazist persecution: Jews, homosexuals, Romani and the disabled!
If you want to share comments about this wonderful project or pictures of brass stones in your city feel free to comment here !

Want you know more info about Gunter Demnig? Have a look on Wikipedia!

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