Tajikistan is a country in Central Asia. Map of Tajikistan is divided into 5 subdivisions.
Tajikistan Map
- No hidden costs: one-time purchase, lifetime license, no annual or subscription fees

Tajikistan Map
ATTENTION: Is not possible to add markers for this map!
Map features
- Create markers (pinpoints) using latitude and longitude
- Create multiple instances of the same map
- Use multiple shortcodes in the same post/page
- Easy to install and customize (No coding skills required)
- Toggle elements on your page outside the map
- Customize each subdivision
- Linkable areas
- Customize canvas background ( even transparent! )
- Subdivisions' tooltip
- Translate areas' names
- Map padding
- Hover over effect
- Export/import settings
- Border thickness
- Zoom in/out option
- Adaptive to all devices without loosing quality
- No hidden costs: one-time purchase, no annual or subscription fees
Installing a Custom Map
How to install a Custom Map
Subdivisions of Tajikistan
- Gorno-Badakhshan
- Khatlon
- Tadzhikistan Territories
- Leninabad
- Dushanbe
View all maps of Asia
More info on Wikipedia