Luke Skywalker have been seen for the last time at Skelling islands, Ireland.
But wait, wasn’t he died in Anch-to planet in the last Star Wars episode “The Last Jedi” ? Wasn’t Luke Skywalker in exile in that remote and green planet after the fight against Kylo Ren?
Before Star Wars movie “The Force Awakens” Skelling islands were almost anonymous islands located at south-west of the Ireland.
Now more and more turists are visiting these remote islands: they are 13km far away from Irish coast and boats leaving from port of Portmagee are authorized to reach them from half of May till the end of September.
Quite often boats cannot land due to storm surges.
The risk is as always that an incredible and sudden arrival of tourists can damage the landscape and the environment.
First people arrived at Skelling were monks in 600 A.D. Probably they used the currach, local small rowing boats.
During the shooting of the Star Wars last films, a lot of tourists came to spy the settings and the actors: at restaurants Louis Mulchany Pottery they even installed a telescope for this purpose.